professional-photographer-help, boudoir-photographer

Well hello there, awesome Photography Spark-lers. Spark readers. Spark… people? Ha!

Welcome welcome!

I’m excited to learn a little more about you and your business, what you struggle with, what you LOVE, what you are most excited about, and most of all, how I can help you build the business of your dreams so you can support your family and live the life you want to design!

If you have a specific question, you can click here to email me.

If you’d like to read more and get to know a little more about how I can help, check out some of my students’ top resources listed below. I want to bust the cliche of the starving artist and help photographers and artists be successful – so check out the links below, click around, and let me know how I can help!



Email Marketing

One of my most popular resources… email marketing for photographers. If you are NOT using Email Marketing as one of the pieces in your marketing strategy, you are missing out! Check out this article to see why, and get access to my free Email Marketing 101 course!

Website & SEO Help

The number one workshop I’ve done in the past year – SEO Help for Photographers. SEO is a huge puzzle that can seem very overwhelming, in this free video I break it down and talk about the must-haves, and ways to make it easier for you.

Another popular resource – the Kickass About Page Formula. Your about page should be booking you clients, if it isn’t, time to revisit! This will walk you through what to share and what to say!

Calls to Action – what they are, and why you need them on your website! Plus, what to say and where!

SEO Help – why Googling yourself is inaccurate and you need to stop! Plus, better ways to measure where you rank to see if your SEO is actually working!

A workshop that goes through several websites to offer tweaks and tricks to make them look better, and more importantly, book clients!